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Booking Your Tutoring
Book a private tutoring session with Michelle and get the help your child needs to excel in their studies and reach their academic goals.
How Booking Works
Book your tutoring session in two minutes by simply choosing your subject and following the steps.
Once your booking has been made, make payment using the link.
My tutoring services are available Monday - Friday between 8 am - 7 pm (United Kingdom time).

1. Choose your subject below

2. Book and pay online

3.Save to your calendar and
enjoy learning
*Free full Microsoft Office 365 software including Excel, Teams, Word, PowerPoint and more!
How I Structure Tutoring
Tailored Learning Packages
Each lesson is 55 mins
Online- Zoom or Microsoft Teams
Nuestros servicios
1 h
60 libras esterlinas1 h
60 libras esterlinas1 h
65 libras esterlinas1 h
60 libras esterlinas1 h
60 libras esterlinas

Payment info and terms & conditions
Once you have booked your tutoring session, you must pay for your session. Payment needs be paid before the session starts. If payment is not made, then the tutoring session is automatically cancelled.
Download my full terms and conditions here.
Safeguarding Policy:
Please find attached my safeguarding policy.
Download my safeguarding policy here.
GDPR Policy:
Please find attached my GDPR policy.
Download my GDPR policy here.
How Can I Help?
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